Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Peanut Treatment Graduation!

Our family has been on quite a journey during my middle son's peanut treatment. Evan started his peanut therapy on September 16, 2011 and on June 8th, 2012 he successfully completed the program. Graduation from the Food Oral Immunotherapy required a 24 peanut challenge. This food allergy program was provided by Dallas Allergy and Immunology at Children's Medical Center,

Evan, as you may be aware, had a severe peanut allergy. Any small amount of peanut residue would put him into anaphylaxis. A situation we discovered with shock when he was five months old.

Over the last nine months Evan has been slowly desensitized to peanuts. The process has not been an easy one but one we are glad to have completed. This child, who could not be touched with peanut protein, has actually eaten 24 peanuts at one time and has not had any adverse reactions!

There were days when Evan would have a reaction to his peanut dose during treatment. (He took a gradually increasing dose of peanuts twice a day everyday, starting with peanut flower powder in Kool Aide.) These reactions could be asthma , wheezing, coughing, swollen tongue, and vomiting. Almost everyday we had a struggle to make sure Evan had taken his peanuts on time, (every 12 hours). Also, after each dose of peanuts he had to be inactive for two hours. That means for a total of four hours each day we had to make an eight year old be still. No easy feat I assure you. Even worse, Evan really, really dislikes the taste of peanuts.

Although we have completed and graduated from the program we are not completely done. Evan must continue to eat eight peanuts twice a day until September 8th. He can then reduce his dose and have eight peanuts once a day, for at least three years. At that time there will be more research and more information on how to proceed into adulthood.

Evan can consume as many peanuts as he likes now, and eat at any restaurant he chooses, as long as he has his minimum dose of peanuts each day. Yes, he can eat that cookie, even though I do not know what is in it!

The biggest benefit of completing this program is Evan not having to suffer from a life threatening allergic reaction. The anxiety and worry about when and if Evan will come into contact with a peanut has been eliminated.

This time last year Evan had summer camp. He also had to sit by himself during lunch due to his allergy. Even though he sat separated from the children with peanut butter he had a reaction because of residue on the picnic table. I had to rush through town to make sure he was ok and give him medication. This year at camp, he can sit with whom ever he chooses. Also, his brother can eat peanut butter with no worries. One day maybe Evan will eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He says no now, but time will tell.

I cannot wait for school to start in the fall. Evan will be treated like everyone else and not have to worry about allergic reactions.

This process has taken a life threatening allergy and made it into something we can manage daily. Completing this program has relieved the stress and anxiety from lunchtime at school or camp, sporting events, play dates, restaurant visits, parties, grocery shopping, and let's not even talk about Halloween!

As a mother the need to protect your child is overwhelming. The emotions I have experienced during this process have been something I cannot begin to put into words. Every time Evan would feel bad or have a reaction or vomit, I would question myself. Was this the right thing to do? The day of our 24 peanut challenge I got into the car to drive to Dallas Allergy and started crying. I cried the entire hour drive. I cried in the waiting room. I cried the entire office visit with the doctor. I only stopped crying when Evan completed his 24 peanuts and did not have any problems. Evan asked me why I was crying and all I could tell him was that this was a very big day and such a big milestone for his life.

I have to say, I know this was the right decision and despite the challenges and set backs I know Evan is better because of this program. Taking a life threatening condition and making it manageable is priceless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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